Saturday, June 11, 2011


The image quolity is bad, coz these is took by degital camera!
Don't you think so?

I tried to taking a picture in same position at UnionSq yesterday.
There are various people.




He was following a squirrel.





The police had drink while they was working.






He talked to a bird.



He is a Japanese!
Japanese performance always encourage me.


My roommate invited me to the Japan art exhibition.


My roommate. Yoshimisan, Akkosan and her friends Koukisan at bedford!


a local bar in bedford
There is no one japanese.


Akkosan and her boyfriend, Robb!
He played rock music as DJ yesterday.
They are a good couple.



She is a classmate, Denisse.
I talked her that I missed my family and friends so much, and then she gave me text after class.
We can hardly have a conversation in english, but she is my friend:)


We happend to meet art exhibition at bookstore in dumbo.
There ware so delicious food such as baguatte, roast beef, roast hum, strawberry, various cheese, and wine!
Of course, here was no fee.
Mint lemon water has become my favorite.

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